Interviewer instructions
5.49 Questions l.9-1.13: General
These questions seek to determine whether the respondent suffers from any chronic illness and or has a physical or mental disability. In order to set the respondent at ease before asking these questions which might be seen as very sensitive, begin by saying: "Now I would like to ask you some questions about any difficulty that you (or other members of the household) might have in carrying out everyday activities due to illness and to mental or physical problems."
[Question 1.9 is missing from the original document]
5.50 Question 1.10: Main illness
The illnesses listed are the ones we are interested in. Read the categories and score only the main one. The illness must have been diagnosed by a doctor. You are likely to encounter persons who say they suffer from many illnesses but you must try and establish a main one. Score "None of the above" for persons who say they do suffer from an illness but it is not on the list.