Literal question
[Questions 1.9 - 1.13 were asked of all persons]
1.13 What type of disability do you/does [the respondent] have?
[] 0 Sight only
[] 1 Hearing only
[] 2 Speech only
[] 3 Physical disability only
[] 4 Multiple disability
[] 5 Slowness of learning
[] 6 Mental retardation
[] 7 Mental illness
[] 8 Other
[] 9 Not stated
Interviewer instructions
5.49 Questions l.9-1.13: General
These questions seek to determine whether the respondent suffers from any chronic illness and or has a physical or mental disability. In order to set the respondent at ease before asking these questions which might be seen as very sensitive, begin by saying: "Now I would like to ask you some questions about any difficulty that you (or other members of the household) might have in carrying out everyday activities due to illness and to mental or physical problems."
[Question 1.9 is missing from the original document]
5.51 Question 1.13: Type of disability
The categories are self-explanatory. Note however the following:
Sight only: Score this for persons who are blind (only) or almost blind, indicating that the impairment is at a stage where even wearing eye glasses would not help.
Physical disability: Score this if the person's only impairment is the loss of use of parts of the body: e.g., arms.
Multiple disabilities: Score this for any combination of impairments.
Slowness of learning or understanding: Score this only for persons who have been subjected to testing and found to be slow at learning or understanding simple instructions.
Mental retardation: Score this for persons who function intellectually below a level regarded as normal for their age. In most cases the motor skills, language skills, and self-help skills develop at a much slower rate than in their peers. These persons exhibit decreased learning ability and are generally unable to meet the educational demands of school.
Mental illness: This could range from depression to insanity. In many instances persons suffering from some type of mental illness are able to function normally but require medication.