Literal question
1.15 Why are you not attending school?
[For persons between the ages of 4 and 13]
[] 1 Parent(s) cannot afford it
[] 2 Poor in studies/not interested in school
[] 3 Illness/disability
[] 4 To help with household chores
[] 5 To help in household business
[] 6 To work for wages/salaries
[] 7 Other
[] 9 Not stated
Interviewer instructions
5.52 Education
Questions on education are designed to determine current enrollment in educational programs and highest level of attainment. The categories indicated at Q1.14 are in recognition of the fact that persons need not be studying within an institution but may be involved in private study. The level of education is generally indicated by the type of institution attended, but there are instances where this might not be so. There may be for instance within a tertiary institution (like the university or a community college) a program for preparing students for CXC or GCE "A" level examinations, in which case the level would be secondary.
Please note the following:
(1) Persons on holidays from school are to be regarded as attending school. If however the person just completed the term and is not enrolled in any other program, score "No" at Q1.14.
(2) If a person has recently registered in a program of study but has not actually started, score "Yes".
(3) Study outside of Jamaica is to be included, assessing the level of attainment.
(4) Enrollment in a Jamal program is not to be included.
5.54 Question 1.15: Reason for not attending school
[Persons between the ages of 4 and 13 who are not registered in school]
The categories are self-explanatory. Pay particular attention to answers suggesting that the child is working. Probe to find out if the child is actually employed and is being paid wages.