Literal question
[Questions 3.1 and 3.2 for persons age 4 and older]
3.1 What is the highest examination that you have/that [the respondent] has passed?
[] 0 None
[] 1 CXC basic, JHSC, JSC or JSCE or 3rd JLCL, SSC, JC
[] 2 GCE "O" 1-3, CXC General 1-3, AEB, 1-3
[] 3 GCE "O" 4+, CXC General 4+, AEB 4+, SC
[] 4 GCE "A" 1+, HSC, CAPE 1+
[] 5 College Certification/Diploma
[] 6 Associate degree/other certificates and diplomas
[] 7 Degrees and professional qualifications
[] 8 Other
[] 9 Not stated
Interviewer instructions
Section 3: Education and training
[Education questions for persons age 4 and older. Training questions for persons age 14 and older]
You will need to pay close attention to the instructions for this section, which combines questions on education and training. Questions 3.1 and 3.2 relate to education and should be asked of all persons age 4 and older. Questions 3.3 through 3.13 relate to training and are applicable to persons age 14 and older. Questions 3.3 through 3.7 relate to current training, while questions 3.8 through 3.13 relate to past training.
5.66 Question 3.1: Highest examination passed
This question seeks to obtain the highest examination the person has passed. In general, only persons within a specific age range are able to sit for the examinations in which we are interested. It is important therefore that you automatically score "None" for all persons whose current level of education is Pre Primary or Primary Schools. The Common Entrance and GSAT examinations are not to be considered relevant. If these are the only exams passed score none. It is recognized that individuals may have passed more than one of the following examinations specified so you must make sure that you obtain the highest. Do not score all examinations that the person has passed. For persons who were educated abroad you must establish the equivalence with local examinations.
For the Census, the examinations are ranked in the following order.
None: Mark this if the individual has not passed any of the examinations or earned any of the certificates, diplomas or degrees specified.
CXC Basic, JHSC, JSC or JSCE, 3rd JLCL, SSC, JC: Mark this if the individual obtained a certificate in Caribbean Examinations Council Basic, Junior High School Certificate, Jamaica School Certificate, Jamaica School Certificate of Education, Third Jamaica Local, Secondary School Certificate, or the Junior Cambridge.
GCE "O" 1-3, CXC General 1-3, AEB 1-3: Mark this for persons who have obtained passes in 1, 2, or 3 subjects in the General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level, the Caribbean Examinations Council General, and the Associated Examining Board Examinations. Note that in relation to passes in GCE "O" Level and AEB, only persons obtaining Grades A-C must be regarded as having passed that subject. In relation to the CXC, only Grades 1, 2, and 3 (since 1998) are regarded as passes.
GCE "O" 4+, CXC General 4+, AEB 4+, SC: Mark this for persons who have obtained passes in 4 or more subjects in GCE, CXC General, and AEB Examinations, as well as persons who passed Senior Cambridge Examinations.
GCE "A" 1+, HSC, CAPE 1+: Mark this for persons who have obtained passes in one or more GCE "A" Level subjects, persons who have passed the Higher Schools Certificate Examination, as well as those who have obtained passes in 1 or more Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination subjects.
College certificates and diplomas: This applies to persons who have obtained a certificate or diploma from a tertiary institution.
Other certificates and diplomas: This applies to persons who have obtained a diploma or certificate from an institution other than a tertiary institution.
Associate degree: This applies to persons who have obtained an associate degree from a university or institute of higher learning as a result of examinations taken in connection with the award.
Degrees and professional qualifications: This applies to individuals who have obtained a degree from a university or institute of higher learning as a result of examinations taken in connection with the award. Include also persons engaged in professional work who have had training in specific fields: e.g., lawyers, architects, engineers, certified and chartered accountants.
Other: Mark this for individuals who have passed examinations not specified in any of the preceding responses. Include here persons who have passed the First and Second Jamaica Local Examinations, Royal Society of Arts (RSA), The Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institute (ULCI), and London City Guilds Examinations.