Literal question
[Questions 3.1 and 3.2 for persons age 4 and older]
3.2 How many years of schooling have you/has [the respondent] had?
[After this question,] if age under 14 years [old], end interview.
_ _
[] Not stated
Interviewer instructions
Section 3: Education and training
[Education questions for persons age 4 and older. Training questions for persons age 14 and older]
You will need to pay close attention to the instructions for this section, which combines questions on education and training. Questions 3.1 and 3.2 relate to education and should be asked of all persons age 4 and older. Questions 3.3 through 3.13 relate to training and are applicable to persons age 14 and older. Questions 3.3 through 3.7 relate to current training, while questions 3.8 through 3.13 relate to past training.
5.67 Question 3.2: Years of schooling
Record the total number of years of schooling that the person has had from age 4 years up to the highest level. For young children who are currently attending school for less than one year, score "01". For older persons who have never attended school or who attended for less than one year, score "00".