Value |
Category |
1 |
H. Grano: maíz, frijol, ejote |
2 |
H. de fruto: tomate, jitomate, calabaza, chile |
3 |
H. de raíz. zanahoria, rabano |
4 |
Bulvos, poro |
5 |
Tubérculos |
6 |
Guisantes |
7 |
Verduras de hojas |
8 |
Hortaliza de tallo |
9 |
Inflorencia |
16 |
Nopal, tuna, ravilla |
17 |
Verduras, hortaliza |
18 |
Semillas |
19 |
Cereales |
20 |
Café |
21 |
Fruta tropical |
22 |
Fruta cítrico |
23 |
Fruta seco |
24 |
Drupas: mango |
25 |
Pomo Carnoso: manzana |
26 |
Frutas carnosas |
30 |
Frutas |
31 |
Flores de ornato |
32 |
Flores de consumo |
33 |
Arboles |
95 |
Nombre en dialecto |
97 |
Insuficiente |
99 |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.