Value |
Category |
1 |
Accountant |
2 |
Administration |
3 |
Agronomist / agriculturalist |
4 |
Aid worker |
5 |
Airline worker |
6 |
Animal keeper |
7 |
Anthropologist |
8 |
Architect |
9 |
Auditor |
10 |
Baker |
11 |
Banker |
12 |
Biologist |
13 |
Blacksmith |
14 |
Brewer |
15 |
Businessman |
16 |
COMESA officer |
17 |
Carpenter |
18 |
Chef |
19 |
Chemist |
20 |
Civil servant |
21 |
Clerk |
22 |
Compassion AFrica |
23 |
Construction worker |
24 |
Consultant |
25 |
Consultant |
26 |
Contract analyst |
27 |
Councellor |
28 |
Dance therapist |
29 |
Demographer |
30 |
Dentist |
31 |
Designer |
32 |
Development worker |
33 |
Dietetician |
34 |
Diplomat |
35 |
Duty officer |
36 |
EAC Member of Parliament |
37 |
ENgineer |
38 |
Ecologist |
39 |
Economist |
40 |
Electrician |
41 |
Electronician |
42 |
Emergency service |
43 |
Engineer |
44 |
Enthoologist |
45 |
Environmentalist |
46 |
Factory worker |
47 |
Farmer |
48 |
Film producer |
49 |
Finance / stock broker |
50 |
Financial analyst |
51 |
Florist |
52 |
Food technologist |
53 |
Fund raiser |
54 |
GIS specialist |
55 |
Gardener, herbalist , hortoculturalist |
56 |
Gender specialist |
57 |
Genetician |
58 |
Geologist |
59 |
Goldsmith |
60 |
Hair dreser |
61 |
Headmaster |
62 |
Health care |
63 |
Helper |
64 |
Hotel / restaurant |
65 |
Housewife |
66 |
ICT profession |
67 |
IT profession |
68 |
Industrialist |
69 |
Insurer |
70 |
International organization |
71 |
Journalist |
72 |
Lab attendant |
73 |
Labor relations |
74 |
Landscaper |
75 |
Lawyer / magistrate / legal |
76 |
Liaison officer |
77 |
Librarian |
78 |
Logistician |
79 |
80 |
Manager |
81 |
Marketing |
82 |
Massage therapist |
83 |
Media professional |
84 |
Medical (excl. doctor / nurse) |
85 |
Military |
86 |
Musician / artist |
87 |
88 |
Not stated |
89 |
Nurse |
90 |
Nutritionist |
91 |
Office cleaner |
92 |
Office worker |
93 |
Official |
94 |
Operations airline |
95 |
Operator |
96 |
Optician |
97 |
Oral health |
98 |
Ordinand |
99 |
Organic inspector/advisor |
100 |
P.A. |
101 |
102 |
103 |
Painter |
104 |
Paramedical |
105 |
Pay and benefits rep. |
106 |
Pensioner |
107 |
Permanent secretary |
108 |
Personal assistant |
109 |
Pharmacist |
110 |
Photographer |
111 |
Physician |
112 |
Physicist |
113 |
Physiotherapist |
114 |
Picture framing |
115 |
Pilot |
116 |
Pipe litter |
117 |
Plant pathologist |
118 |
Police |
119 |
Policy officer |
120 |
Politician |
121 |
Polygraph examiner |
122 |
Post clerk |
123 |
Preacher / priest / other religion |
124 |
President's office |
125 |
Printer |
126 |
Probation officer |
127 |
Procurement |
128 |
Program officer/assistant |
129 |
Property developer |
130 |
Psychiatrist |
131 |
Psychologist |
132 |
Public relations |
133 |
Publisher |
134 |
Quality manager |
135 |
136 |
Radiographer |
137 |
Railways employee |
138 |
Realtor |
139 |
Receptionist |
140 |
Refugee officer |
141 |
Researcher |
142 |
Reservations officer |
143 |
Revenue officer |
144 |
Rijjer |
145 |
146 |
Salesman |
147 |
School administrator |
148 |
Scientist |
149 |
Seaman |
150 |
Secretary |
151 |
Security officer |
152 |
Self-employed |
153 |
Senior advisor |
154 |
Service |
155 |
Shell |
156 |
Shipping coordinator |
157 |
Shop keeper/manager |
158 |
Social worker |
159 |
Sociologist |
160 |
Spa |
161 |
Spa, beauty therapist, personal care, and assimilated |
162 |
Sports |
163 |
Statistician |
164 |
Store keeper / manager |
165 |
Storm chaser |
166 |
Student |
167 |
Surveyor |
168 |
TV |
169 |
Tailor |
170 |
Tax collector / inspector |
171 |
Teacher / professor / trainer |
172 |
Technician |
173 |
Therapist |
174 |
Town planner |
175 |
Translator |
176 |
Transporter |
177 |
Travel |
178 |
Turism (guide, etc) |
179 |
Unemployed |
180 |
Urban planner |
181 |
Valuer |
182 |
Veterinary |
183 |
Waitress |
184 |
Warehouse attendant |
185 |
Welder |
186 |
Wildlife |
187 |
Writer |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.