Literal question
H11 Cooking fuel: What is the main source of cooking fuel for this household?
[] 1 None, no cooking
[] 2 Wood
[] 3 Coconut husk
[] 4 Gas
[] 5 Electricity
[] 6 Kerosene
[] 7 Charcoal
[] 8 Other (specify) ________
Interviewer instructions
H11. Cooking fuel: What is the main source of cooking fuel for this household?
This question refers to the fuel predominantly used by the household for the preparation of principal meals. If two fuels are used, mark the one used most often. The classification of fuels used for cooking includes: wood, coconut husk, charcoal, gas, electricity and kerosene.
None: means no cooking fuel is used by the household being enumerated (i.e. the household does not cook)
Any other type of fuel used for cooking which is not listed as a category must be marked as "Other".