Value |
Category |
11 |
mil |
12 |
sorgho |
13 |
mais |
14 |
riz |
15 |
fonio |
16 |
coton |
17 |
arachide |
18 |
sesame |
19 |
soja |
20 |
niebe |
21 |
voandzou |
22 |
igname |
23 |
patate |
24 |
taro |
25 |
fabirama |
26 |
manioc |
27 |
souchet |
33 |
ble |
40 |
oignon bulbe |
41 |
oignon feuilles |
42 |
chou |
43 |
tomate |
44 |
aubergine locale |
45 |
aubergine importe |
46 |
piment |
47 |
laitue |
48 |
carotte |
49 |
pomme de terre |
50 |
haricot vert |
51 |
fraise |
52 |
concombre |
53 |
poivron |
54 |
ail |
55 |
gombo |
56 |
courgettes |
57 |
tabac |
60 |
autres |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.