Interviewer instructions
Columns (12) to (19): Participation of the household member in public works: Information in columns (12) to (19) will be collected for rural areas (rural samples) only and for persons of age 15 years and above. Concepts of public works have been explained in Chapter One.
Column (17) to (19): These columns will be filled in for those household members who sought but did not get work in public works, i.e., with entry 2 in column (12).
Column (18): Whether received any compensation: For those household members who sought but did not get work in public works, information on whether they received any compensation will be recorded in this column in terms of codes. If the reply is affirmative, assign code 1 and assign code 2 if the reply is negative. There may be situations where a person may get compensation without complaining. In this case also, entry will be 1 in this column.