Interviewer instructions
Columns (9) to (11): Subsidiary industry-occupation: Columns (9) to (11) will be filled-in for those who are 'working' in the subsidiary status, i.e., for those with code 1 in column 7. The description of the industry-occupation relevant to the type of economic activity pursued by the person in the status recorded in column (8) will be given in column (9). The corresponding 5-digit industry code (NIC-2004) and the 3-digit occupation code (NCO-68) will be entered in columns (10) and (11), respectively. In case, two or more industry-occupation combinations corresponding to the status code given in column (8) have been reported by a person, the subsidiary industry-occupation will be the one, in which relatively more time has been spent during the preceding 365 days by the person. Note that Divisions 96 and 97 of NIC-2004 will not be used for collection of industry of work activity for the persons.