Value |
Category |
601 |
female full-time working owner |
602 |
hired worker |
603 |
other worker/helper |
604 |
female part-time working owner |
605 |
hired worker |
606 |
other worker/helper |
611 |
male full-time working owner |
612 |
hired worker |
613 |
other worker/helper |
614 |
male part-time working owner |
615 |
hired worker |
616 |
other worker/helper |
619 |
total (items 601 to 616) |
701 |
salary/wages,allowances and other individual benefits-working owners |
702 |
hired workers |
703 |
imputed value of group benefits-working owners |
704 |
hired workers |
709 |
total emoluments items 701 to 704) |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.