Literal question
VI. Household member characteristics
VI-A: All ages
[Questions 1-13.]
9. Ever lived in another province?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (skip to question 12)
10. Last dwelling before moving to this province
[Question 10 was asked of persons who have lived in another province, per question 9.]
Province: ____
11. Duration of living in this province
[Question 11 was asked of persons who have lived in another province, per question 9.]
_ _ years
Interviewer instructions
Question 9: Ever lived in another province?
Ask the respondent if he/she ever lived in another province for a period of six months or more. If the respondent answers "Yes" then circle code 1 and put the code into the available box. If the respondent answer "No" circle code 2 and put the code into the available box and go to Question 12.
Question 10: Last residence before living in the current province
Fill in the name and code of the respondent's last province of residence before living in the current province in the provided box.
Question 11: The duration lived in the current province
Fill in how many years has the respondent lived in the current province.
Note: Code province for Question 8, 10, and 14 can be seen in Block III of the SP90-S Questionnaire
Example for questions 8-11
During enumeration Bakri has already lived in Surabaya for 1 year and 11 months. Before he lived in Surabaya he has lived in Bogor for 2 years and 6 month for study. Before living in Bogor Bakri has worked in Kabupaten Situbondo for 5 years. Bakri was born in Semarang, though his parents at that time lived in Kecamatan Cakung, Kabupaten Bekasi, West Java. His mother went to Semarang and back to Cakung when Bakri was 2 weeks old. Bakri lived in Cakung until he finished his senior high school (SMTA) and moved to Kabupaten Situbondo. It should be noted that because of the extension of Province DKI Jakarta, Kecamatan Cakung became part of the DKI Jakarta province.