Literal question
VII. Activity of persons age 10 or older
Household members age 10 or older
[Questions 24-38.]
24. The main activity done during previous week
[] 1 Working
[] 2 Attending school
[] 3 Housekeeping
[] 4 Other
25. Besides [answers] 2, 3, and 4 [in question 24], also worked at least 1 hour during the previous week
[Question 25 was asked of persons age 10 or older who did not work last week, as per question 24.]
[] 1 Yes (go to question 28)
[] 2 No
28. Number of daily hours worked in the previous week
[Question 28 was asked of persons age 10 or older who worked at least one hour last week, per questions 24 and 25.]
Day 1 _ _ hours
Day 2 _ _ hours
Day 3 _ _ hours
Day 4 _ _ hours
Day 5 _ _ hours
Day 6 _ _ hours
Day 7 _ _ hours
Total _ _ hours
29. Total hours of main work during previous week
[Question 29 was asked of persons age 10 or older who worked at least one hour last week, as per questions 24 and 25.]
_ _ hours
Interviewer instructions
D. Block VII. Activities of persons age 10 or older
1. Purpose
The purpose of the questions in this block is to collect characteristics on the economic activities of every household member age 10 or older, such as field of work, type of work, work status and number of working days/hours during the past week. The work force of the community age 10 or older is divided into two categories: labor force and not in labor force. The population age 10 or older included in the labor force are those who had a job in the past week, those who are working or temporarily not working due to a certain cause such as waiting for harvesting time, or is on leave, etc. Also included in this group are those who do not have a job but are seeking one, hopefully to obtain a job. Populations that are not in the labor force are those who in the [previous] week only attended school, took care of a household, or others who did not do any activities that could be categorized as working, temporarily not working, or seeking work. There are several questions that are specifically asked to people who are either working or seeking a job. Also there are some [questions] for the non-working force that attends school, takes care of a household or elderly people, or [performs] other activities. In order to gain confirmation of the total population that is or is not included in the labor force, several questions will be asked in this block. Pay attention to the arrows and instructions that arrange the sequence of questions.
Question 25: Did you work at least one hour during the past week?
Circle code 1 if the answer is "Yes" then continue to Question 28. Circle code 2 if the answer is "No" then continue to Question 26.
Question 28: Total working hours from all work, for each day during the past week
Total working hours is the length of time (in hours) spent working, including work conducted during the past week. The estimation starts from a day ago (7th day) 2 days ago (6th day), etc., up to 7 days ago (1st day), then sum up all the working hours.
Method of interviewing
For those who have an irregular job, it is best to ask every day starting from how many hours the day before, two days ago and so on until 7 days ago, then total all the working hours.
Workdays are the days when someone does a working activity for a minimum of 1 (one) hour continuously during the past week.
Working hours are the time period (in hours) used for working.
Move the code into the box as follows:
Box 73 used for entering total working days during past week.
Box 74 and 75 used for entering total working hours during past week.
- For employees who usually have a fixed working time, the calculation of working hours should exclude official break times.
- For workers who do not have a regular work time, the working time is calculated starting from preparation until the series of work is over, minus the number of hours dedicated to break time and visiting a relative/friend's house.
- Total working days = 6
- Total working hours = 46,1 hour and rounded down to become 46.
Maximum number of working hours for each person is 98.
Question 29: Total working hours of main work during the past week
Write the total [number of] working hours for your main work during the past week. Total working hours in Question 29 should be equal to total working hours in Question 28.
Main work
If a person has only one job, that job must be recorded as the main job. If a person has more [than one job], the main job is based on the quantity of time [spent on each job.] If the time spent at each job is the same, the job that contributes the largest income is considered to be the main job. A person has more than one type of job if the management is done separately, except a food crop farmer who works for several food crop farmers (separate management) who categorized as [having] one job.
a. A farmer who plants rice in his own field, [and] also plants rice in another person's field and receives payment is categorized as having two jobs, which are planting rice in his own field and a food crop worker.
b. A teacher teaches in two schools, in the morning in a state high school and in the afternoon in a state secondary school. The teacher is categorized as having two jobs, which are a high school teacher and a secondary teacher, although the work status and field of work are the same.