Literal question
VII. Activity of persons age 10 or older
Household members age 10 or older
[Questions 24-38.]
35. Looking for a job during previous week
[] 1 Yes (go to question 37)
[] 2 No
36. Reason not looking for a job
[Question 36 was asked of persons age 10 or older who were not looking for a job last week, as per question 35.]
[] 1 Unnecessary
[] 2 Hopeless/gave up
[] 3 Attending school
[] 4 Housekeeping
[] 5 Incapable
[] 6 Other ____
Interviewer instructions
Question 35: Were you seeking a job during the past week?
Seeking a job is an activity of a person to obtain a job. People who are seeking a job are categorized into:
a. Those who are working or have a job, but because of a certain cause are trying to obtain another job.
b. Those who are not employed and will be called back, but are still trying to obtain another job.
c. Those that have never worked and are looking for a job.
The activity of seeking a job is not limited to the period of the previous week, but could be ongoing from several weeks before, as long as the current status is still waiting for the answer of the work application.
Circle code 1 and fill in the box if the answer is "Yes" and continue to Question 37. Circle code 2 if the answer is "No" and continue to Question 36.
Question 36: Reason for not seeking a job during the last week.
Circle one of codes 1 up to 6 that is matched with the answer and fill into the box on the right side.
Unnecessary: This reason especially addressed to those who already have a job or worked and consider it unnecessary to seek a job. Also those who consider it unnecessary to seek a job because they have savings, collects rent or [have] other means that produce income such as interest, lease income, and others who do not need working.
Hopeless/gave up: The reason is having failed several times in finding a job and gave up trying to obtain a job again.
Still in school: The reason for not seeking a job is because [the respondent] is still attending school.
Taking care of the household: The reason for not seeking a job is because [the respondent] is taking care of the household.
Incapable of working: The reason for not seeking a job is being physically and mentally incapable to work. [This category includes] the elderly, handicapped, or paralyzed.
Others: The reasons for not seeking a job are not mentioned above. Write the reason in the provided area.