Literal question
VIII. Women with status of married, divorced, widowed
[Questions 39-46 were asked of women who indicated being married, divorced, or widowed, as per question 5.]
40. Age at first marriage
____ years
Interviewer instructions
F. Block VIII. Women who are married, divorced, or widowed
Question 40: Age at first marriage
Ask the mother's age at her first marriage.
If the month and year of the first marriage is known, calculate the age at first marriage by connecting the month and year of her first marriage with the month and year at the current marriage. Similar with the age calculation, the age at first marriage is rounded down. Write down this age in the appropriate space.
Someone was born in January 1939. He/she married for the first time in May 1964. Then the age at first marriage is 25 years (although in fact it is 25 years and 4 months).