Interviewer instructions
6.6. Block VI. Activities of household members age 10 or older
This block is used to collect characteristics on the economic activities of every household member who is 10 or older, such as field of business, type and work status and number of working days/hours during the past week.
The work force of the community age 10 or older is categorized into two groups: work force and non-work force. The work force are those who have jobs during the past week, those who are working or temporarily not working due to a certain cause such as waiting for harvest, on leave, etc. Also included in this group are those who do not have a job but are seeking one/hopefully obtaining a job. The non-working force are those who during the week only attended school, took care of a household, and others who do not do any activities that could be categorized as working, temporarily not working, or seeking a job.
There are several questions that are specifically asked to people who are either working or seeking a job, and also some for the non-working force who attends school, takes care of a household, elderly people, or other non-economic activities. Then there are some that confirm the number of people who are categorized as working force and non-working force.
This block consists of 16 questions: P601 to P615, beginning with the most frequent activity conducted during the week through the field of business during the previous year.
Question 601: The most frequent activity conducted during the past week
Activity covers the activity of working, attending school, homemaking and others (examples: actively seeking a job, taking courses, sports, or recreation). Those who are incapable of working are categorized as "Other".
Most frequent activity is the most time consuming activity conducted.
The most time consuming activity is calculated by comparing the time used for work, school, household work and others (actively seeking a job, incapable of conducting activities, courses and sports). Leisure time used for relaxing, resting, sleeping and dining for working people, attending school, or taking care of a household, is not used as a comparison.
The previous week is a time period of seven consecutive days that ends one day before the date of enumeration. For example: if the enumeration was conducted on October 14, the previous week is from October 7 through October 13.
Working is the activity of conducting work and obtaining income or profits for at least one hour during the previous week. Working for an hour has to be conducted consecutively and continuously, including those that have a job but are temporarily not working. Earnings or profits covers salary/wages including all allowances, bonuses and earnings from leasing, interests, and profits in the form of cash or goods.
a. A person who conducts activities that produce cereals (rice, corn, sorghum) or palawija = second crop (cassava, sweet potato, potato) for self-consumption and main needs, not as a hobby, is considered as "Working".
b. A person who conducts activities that produce a product (not rice or a second crop) for self-consumption such as sewing [one's] own clothes, painting for a private collection, cooking for [one's] own family and fishing for pleasure, is not considered as "Working".
c. Household members who help the work of head of the household or other household members, for example in the rice fields, stall/shop, etc. are considered as working although they do not receive salary/wages ("Unpaid worker")
d. A person who hires machines/farm machinery, industrial machines, party instruments, transportation mode, or other is categorized as "Working".
e. Household helpers are categorized as "Working", [regardless of whether they are] household members of their employer's [household] or non-household members
f. A prisoner who does activities such as agriculture, making furniture and others is not considered as "Working".
g. A person who rents his farm to another person and shares the products is categorized as "Working" if he/she is responsible or is managing the farm.
Attending school is going to a school in a formal school at the primary level or other levels (secondary and high) including those on vacation. For those who go to school and work, the activity during the past week is whichever is most time consuming.
Housekeeping is an activity of doing household work/helping without receiving salary/wages.
A housewife, or her child who helps with the household activities, is categorized as taking care of a household. A helper who does the same activities but receives salary/wages is not categorized as taking care of a household but is categorized as "Working" instead.
Other are activities besides working, attending school, household work, and also those who are incapable to conduct activities, such as old aged people, handicapped people, and those who get pensions and do not work anymore.
Others are divided into two categories:
a. Seeking work, sports, courses, picnic and other positive activities (joining an organization, voluntary work and others)
b. Sleeping, leisure, socializing, and not engaged in any activities.
Activities that are used for comparison to determine the most time consuming activities are those categorized in group A.
Circle one of the appropriate codes based on the respondent's answer, if the answer is coded 1, continue the interview to P604.
Ance is a homemaker who works 4 hours every day as a temporary worker in a company named PT Sukses Selalu and every Tuesday and Friday beginning at 15:00 until 16:30, she takes a beautician course. The remaining time is used for activities for the household. This example shows that Ance is categorized as taking care of a household because most of the time is used for household activities.