Interviewer instructions
Question 706 to 716: Number of children born alive
These questions are to collect the characteristics on all of the children born alive to the respondent, regardless of who the father is. When collecting the data on this matter, please explain to the respondent that the events to be covered are the children born alive even if [they are] not living in the same household or have passed away. Born alive is a child who, when born, showed signs of life such as crying, moving or breathing, even if the child only lived a few moments.
Also ask the respondent not to report the number of stillbirths (when the child did not show signs of life), foster children, or stepchildren.
Question 710: Table of birth history
The table of contents for [questions] P711 to P716 aims to obtain a complete list of all children who were born alive to the respondent based on the time of birth. Begin by asking all of the names of children born alive, starting from the eldest through the youngest, then write down all the names in P711. If a newborn baby has not been given a name, just write: "Baby". Continue to the eldest and ask questions P712 to P716. Ask the same questions for the second, third and so on.
The respondent has to put the children in sequential order based on the time of birth. [If], after writing several births, it turns out that the sequence is not in the correct order, do not erase the information -- rather, cross the serial number and change it with the correct sequence. Twins are written in a separate row and the names are related with a bracket '{}'.