Literal question
VI.C. Household members age 10 or older
[Questions 626 - 629 were asked of household members age 10 or older.]
626.a. Did you work during the past week for at least one hour in order to earn money or goods?
[] 1 Yes [go to Q.627]
[] 2 No
626.b. Do you have work or business but temporarily you did not work during the past week?
[Question 626.b was asked of persons age 10 or older who did not work in the past week, as per question 626.a.]
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No [if age is younger than 60 years, go to next household member; if age is 60 years or older, go to Q.630]
Interviewer instructions
7.7.3 Block VI.C. Household members age 10 or older
Question 626.a: Worked during the past week
Some important items to know in filling out this question are as follows:
During the past week means the past consecutive 7 days ending the day before the day of enumeration. For example, if the enumeration is conducted on 10 June 2005, then "During the past week" should include the dates of 3 June through 9 June 2005.
Work is an activity for the purpose of obtaining or helping to obtain earnings or profits for at least one hour during the past week. Working for one hour must be done continuously without stopping. Earnings or profits include wages/salary including all type of allowances and bonuses for workers/employees, and the earnings can be in the form of rent, interest or profit, either in cash or in kind.
a. To carry out an activity within the concept "Work" is to carry out an economic activity that will produce goods or services.
b. The activity of planting by someone for his own consumption is not considered as work, unless those products are his main staple food such as rice, corn, sago, wheat, and/or root plants (cassava, sweet potatoes, potatoes).
c. A household member who assists in the work of the head of the household or other household member, for example in a rice field, farm, food stall/store, etc., is considered to work even though he/she does not receive a wage/salary (unpaid worker).
d. One who engages in his/her profession using his/her professional expertise to meet the needs of the household, for example, a doctor cares for a member of the household, a construction worker repairs his own house, and a tailor sews his own clothes, is considered as working.
e. Someone who rents agricultural equipment/tools, industrial equipment, party supplies/equipment, vehicles, etc. to others is considered as working.
f. Housemaid is considered as work, either as a member of the household or not.
g. Someone who leases farm land to others as sharing cropping is considered as working if he/she is partly responsible for or participates in the management of the operation.
h. Day-workers in the agricultural or non-agricultural sector who are waiting for work are considered not working.
i. A boxer or professional singer who is practicing to improve their skills is considered as working.
j. Beggars, gamblers and thieves are not considered as working. Free-lance traffic conductors, red light street musicians (kecrek-kecrek) and the like are considered beggars.
[p. 110]
Filling in the answer: circle code 1 if the respondent answers "Yes", and go to Q 627. Circle code 2 if the respondent answers "No", and continue to Q 626.b.
Question 626.b: Temporarily not working during the past week
This question is asked if Q 626.a has code "2".
Those who are categorized as having work but temporarily not working are those have a job/business but during the past week were not working for some reason such as illness, on leave, waiting for harvest or on strike.
Those who are categorized as having work but temporarily not working are:
a. Professionals not working because of illness or waiting for the next job, such as puppeteer, masseuse, shaman and singer.
b. Permanent employee, civil servant or private sector employee, who are not working due to leave, illness, absence from work, on strike, or on temporary leave due to the company's temporary work stoppage, for example due to equipment break down, shortage of raw material, etc.
c. Farmers who are not working due to illness or waiting for the next activity such as waiting for harvest or the rains to till the rice fields.
One who has been accepted for work but has not yet started at the time of enumeration is not categorized as temporarily not working.
Non-professional workers, such as casual workers, casual farm workers, agricultural worker and other casual workers who temporarily do not have work during the past week are not categorized as temporarily not working. If during the past week, he/she was looking for work, he/she should be categorized as such. If during the past week, he/she had no activity at all, then he/she should be categorized as not in the labor force.
[p. 111]
Filling in the answer: circle code 1 if the respondent answers "Yes", and go to Q 627. Circle code "2" if the respondent answers "No", and continue to the next household member if this person is aged less than 60 (Q 603 less than 60) or continue to Q 630 if the respondent is age 60 years or over (Q 603 greater or equal to 60).