Literal question
Individual form / population structure
7. Date of birth or age
Specify the date of birth, the year of birth, or the age of the enumerated person, depending on the declaration
Q07a. Date of birth / year of birth
If the date is June 9, 1953, write down "June 9, 1953", and code: 0 6 / 1 9 5 3
If the year is 1953, write down "1953", and code: _ _ / 1 9 5 3
MM in months _ _
YYYY in years _ _ _ _
Interviewer instructions
Q07: Date of birth or age
(Specify the date of birth, the year of birth, or the age of the enumerated person, depending on declaration)
Q07A: Date of birth / year of birth
Q07M MM in months
Q07A YYYY in years
If the date is June 9, 1953, write down June 9, 1953, and code: [0][6][.][1][9][5][3]
If the year is 1953, write down 1953, and code:[ ][ ][ ][1][9][5][3]