Literal question
Now, I would like to ask you some questions about sexual activity in order to gain a better understanding of some important life issues.
The information you supply will remain strictly confidential.
How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the very first time?
Interviewer instructions
It is very important that you read the first sentence, and to emphasize to the respondent that his responses will remain strictly confidential. If necessary, explain to him once again that the information he shares with you will only be used for statistical purposes; that his name will never be revealed; and his responses will not be shared with others in the community or elsewhere.
The age we are asking about is the age of the respondent the very first time he had sexual intercourse. It does not matter whether the man continued to have a relationship with this person. We are not asking about the first time with his current partner, but rather, the first experience of sexual intercourse in his entire life.
If the response is 'Never had intercourse', circle '00' and skip to the next module. Otherwise, enter the age in years on the line provided. If he was less than 10 years old, use a zero to fill in the first space.
If the respondent tells you that his first time was when he started living with his first wife, record her response by circling '95'. You will have collected this information in the Marriage/Union module. If the respondent says that his first time was with his first wife, but it was before they began living together, probe for the respondent's age at the time.
If the respondent says he does not know how old he was when he first had intercourse, probe by relating it to how old she was when he first married or had his first child. However, when doing this probing, be certain not to assume that the first time he had sex was at the time of his first marriage. If he has never married and/or never had children, you can probe by relating the timing of the first intercourse to whether he was going to school at the time, or to places that he might have lived. The respondent should feel comfortable in taking his time to think about his response to remember correctly.