Value |
Category |
0 |
Grade 0 |
1 |
Grade 1 |
2 |
Grade 2 |
3 |
Grade 3/ Standard 1/ ABET 1 |
4 |
Grade 4/ Standard 2 |
5 |
Grade 5/ Standard 3/ ABET 2 |
6 |
Grade 6/ Standard 4 |
7 |
Grade 7/ Standard 5/ ABET 3 |
8 |
Grade 8/ Standard 6 |
9 |
Grade 9/ Standard 7/ ABET 4 |
10 |
Grade 10/ Standard 8/ NTC I |
11 |
Grade 11/ Standard 9/ NTC II |
12 |
Attended, but not completed |
13 |
Grade 12/Standard 10/ NTC III (No Univ. exemption) |
14 |
Grade 12/ Standard 10/ NTC III (With Univ. exemption) |
15 |
Certificate with less than Grade 12/STD 10 |
16 |
Diploma with less than Grade 12/STD 10 |
17 |
Certificate with Grade 12/STD10 |
18 |
Diploma with Grade 12/STD10 |
19 |
Bachelors degree 3 years |
20 |
Bachelors degree 4 years or more |
21 |
Postgraduate diploma |
22 |
Honours degree |
23 |
Higher degree (Masters, PHD)) |
24 |
No schooling |
25 |
Out of scope (< 5 years of age) |
26 |
Other, specify in the box at the bottom |
27 |
Don’t know |
99 |
Unspecified |