Interviewer instructions
You should begin by saying:
First, please tell me the name of each person who usually lives here, starting with the head of the household.
List the head of the household in line 01. List all household members (HL2), their relationship to the household head (HL3), and their sex (HL4). Then ask:
Are there any others who live here, even if they are not at home now? If yes, complete the listing for questions HL2-HL4. Then, ask questions starting with HL5 for each person at a time.
Circle '1' for 'Male' and '2' for 'Female'. Do not guess the sex of the household member from the name provided to you. When the respondent is listing everyone in the household, he/she may indicate the sex of the person at the same time, by saying “My sister Mary,” for instance. In this case, you do not need to ask the sex of the household member again, since it is already obvious that the person is a female. However, when a name is mentioned that can be used for both males and females, never use your judgement. Even in cases when you think that the name would most likely be a male's (or a female's) name, have the respondent confirm the sex. This column should never be left blank.
Once you have a complete list of names, relationship codes and sex, move across this page to ask and record answers to questions about individual persons starting from HL5. Start with the household head on line 01. When you have finished asking all questions HL5 to HL14 for the person on line 01, continue to the person listed on line 02, etc.