Interviewer instructions
Classify each person listed in the flap at the back of questionnaire according to the criteria
specified for household membership. After Questions 1 to 7 have been completed for a
particular person, ask these questions again for the next person on the list. Once this
information has been collected for all persons listed in the flap at the back of the
questionnaire, fill out Column A and Column B on the far left side of the flap according to the
following instructions.
Column A: Under Column A put a tick ( ?? ) next to the names of all persons who are
classified as household members (coded “1” in Question 7) and aged 5 years and over.
Column B: Enter the age in completed years (see Q.2) of all persons with a tick in Column
A (i.e. for all household members aged 5 years and over).
These columns are very important. The column A identifies who in the list of individuals is
eligible to take part in the survey (because he or she is a member of the household and is
aged 5 or over). Column B shows their age in completed years. Everyone with a tick in
column A must be included in the survey.
At the same time you can fill in the boxes at the bottom of the cover page. First you are
asked to record the total number of household members; this will correspond to the number
of people marked with a code 1 in reply to question 7. Then you are asked to write down the
total number of household members aged 5 and over; this will correspond to the number of
ticks shown in column A of the flap.
If there are more than 15 people in the household, you should record the totals for the whole
household only on the first questionnaire, and leave blank the corresponding sections of the
cover page on the second questionnaire.
Question post text
No further question to the household members below 5 years of age.
No [2] -> End