Interviewer instructions
This question is to classify the sector where the respondent is working..
Government service:
Any organizations operated by the Government to serve the people. Employees are
paid by the Government. For instance, Ministries, Departments, District Government
offices, Public schools, hospitals or health posts, and post offices.
Public corporation:
Any organization financed by Government or the public which produces goods and
services under a certain Act. For instance, Salt trading, Telecommunication, Hetauda
cement industry, National insurance company, Electricity Authority, Nepal Banijya
Bank, Agriculture Development Bank, etc.
Registered private company:
Any business or enterprise registered under certain rules or Company Acts and
operated by persons independently. For instances, Surya Tobacco, Nepal Battery
Company, Nepal Lever, Finance companies, Private Banks etc.
Unregistered private company:
These businesses (taxis, shops, etc.) may be registered to operate under industrial
licences, but they are not registered under Company Acts.
Other (specify):
Any sector which does not fall in one of the categories shown above. You should
describe the sector in a few words.
In the case of those coded as 1 or 2 (i.e. working in government service or public
corporations) you should skip to Question 29. For those coded 3 (i.e. working in a private
registered company) skip to Question 28. For those coded 4 and 5, continue with the next
Question post text
In government service [1] -> 29
In public corporation [2] -> 29
In NGOs/ INGOs [3] -> 29
In private registered company [4] -> 28