Interviewer instructions
Entries should be made in completed years in column B6 as follows:
- "00" for children less than a year
- actual age for other respondents
- "99" for don't known (very limited cases)
For person older than 95 years, write down 95, which means 95 or older. Remember, 96, 97 and 98 should not be written here.
If the age is not known, probe to try to estimate age. This is time consuming and sometimes tedious. But it is important to take time to try to get the best possible information. If probing does not help, you may have to estimate the age as a last resort when all other efforts failed. The use of the code "99", i.e. not known, is discouraged.
Most persons in Namibia either know their ages or dates of birth or have documents which show their dates of birth. If you have any doubts on the reported age, probe further. You can, e.g. use the ages of other persons in the household to estimate the age. A mother shall be at least 12 years older than her oldest child.