Interviewer instructions
This question intends to find out the reasons why workers were temporary absent from their work during the last 7 days. Possible answers are provided below. There may be more than one reason, but you should record only the main one, i.e. only one code should be crossed. Category "11", other, specify" is for those answers which do not fall under any of the possible answers provided and the interviewer must clearly write down the reason as given by the respondent.
(a) Included in this category are persons who have a job, business or a farm, but were temporarily not at work during the 7 days before the reference night for any specific reason. Thus a farmer who did not go to his/her farm during the reference period because of drought, or sickness should be classified under this category. Persons in the fishing industry who did not work because of the slack season, but who have assurance to go back to work also fall under this category.
(b) Persons who were temporarily absent from their main job before the reference night because of maternity leave, reduction in economic activity, shortage of raw materials, mechanical or electrical breakdowns should be included in this category, provided that they have an assurance of returning to work after short absence, or following the end of the contingency.