Value |
Category |
Afraid of low degrees of education |
Bad weather (rain) |
Busy |
Continue education |
Diploma certificate is unavailable |
Fed up searching for jobs |
I don't have higher certificate |
I don't know how to look for work |
Marriage |
My expectations of work environment and residence location |
Personal reasons |
Special conditions |
Travel |
didn't apply for diploma certificate |
egagement |
family special conditions |
fear from job conditions |
financial conditions |
had new born baby |
jobs located far from home |
late in looking for work |
looking for a work that matches my ambition |
marriage |
moving out from the home |
no results obtained |
no vacancies |
not ready to work yet |
pregnancy |
repeat Shamel test |
situation does not allowed job search |
special conditions |
suitable work conditions and salary are unavailable |
suitable work conditions unavailable |
to gain expereince before finding jobs |
training |
travel |
unsuitable work conditions in the available jobs |
vacancies unavailable |
waiting for Royal medical services response |
waiting for civil service bureau response |
waiting for courses |
waiting for employers answers |
waiting for jobs |
waiting for reply from civil service buraeu |
waiting for reply from employers |
waiting for reply from military services about possible job |
waiting response from employers |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.