Value |
Category |
PR manager |
SPC supervisor |
accountant |
accounting |
accounts auditor |
advertising agency manager |
agriculture |
agriculture workers |
architecture drawing |
assistant |
assistant carpenter |
assistant coffee boy |
assistant factory manager |
assistant nurse |
assistant painter |
assistant plumer |
assistant trainer |
baby sitter |
bank |
bank customer service |
bank deposits section |
beauty salon owner |
blacksmith |
business owner |
cafetreia worker |
captain |
cashier |
cashier and accountant + electrician |
center manager |
clearance employee |
clerk |
clothes sales person |
computer maintenance |
computer programmer |
computer teacher |
construction worker |
consulting |
control |
crew trainer at restaurant |
customer service |
customes auditing, ministry of finance |
data auditor |
data entry |
data entry and accounting |
data entry and records keeping |
data entry and secretary |
decoration specialist |
dentist assistant |
dentist secretary |
designer |
different bussinesses |
distributor |
dormitory supervisor |
drawing |
driver |
electrical supervisor |
electrician |
employee |
engineer assistant |
escort |
events orgsanizer |
executive secretary |
factory manager |
farmer |
file keeper |
foreman |
grocery cashier |
hotel worker |
internet center manager |
kindergarten teacher |
kitchen worker |
laboratories trainee |
line supervisor |
lubricants technician |
machines operator assistant |
machines technicnian in a water factory |
mall floor supervisor |
manager |
manufacturing assistant |
marketing |
mechanics specialist |
medical representative |
merchant |
messanger |
military |
newspaper distributor |
newspaper distributor, archaeological technician |
night shift manager |
nurse |
nursing |
office management |
operator |
packaging worker |
pastery cheff |
perfumes specialist |
pharmacist |
pharmacist assistant |
pharmacy |
pharmacy accountant |
police |
private sales representative |
production technician |
production worker |
programmer |
quality control supervisor |
qulaity control inspector |
receptionist |
records clerk, filing employee |
records employee |
reigestrer |
representative |
responsible hairdresser |
responsible head |
resposible |
restaurant superviosr |
restaurant worker |
sales manager |
sales person |
sales representative |
sanitary pluming specialist |
secretary |
section head |
security |
shop manager |
shop owner |
shop slaes person |
shop worker |
slaes representative |
sports trainer |
studio manager |
subsceribers service employee |
supervior |
supervisor |
taylor |
teacher |
teacher assistant |
teacher trainee |
technical trianer |
technician |
textile technician |
thinking skills trainer |
trainee |
trainee nutritionist |
training operator |
waiter |
weight accounting |
worker |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.