Interviewer instructions
This section is filled in by the field worker who writes down the results as follows:
· Interview done: to mark when all the form data have been collected from the household
· Interview partly completed: to mark when some parts of the form have been collected and others remain to be collected for an unforeseen reason, lack of responsiveness by the household, refusal, etc.
· No usable information: is marked when the worker interviews a member of the household and collects data from him but feels that these data are incorrect. This is a case where the individual is mentally retarded, advanced in age, hard of hearing or unable to understand the questions easily, and the worker cannot find another household member to replace him.
· Household refused interview: is marked when the worker cannot make the interview in the event that all the household members refuse to give information on grounds of lack of conviction, fear or any other reason.
· Household not present: is marked when the worker finds nobody in every visit he makes. In this case he should have visited the household three times during three days at various times and found nobody.
· House not found: is marked when the worker is satisfied that he has visited the right location but found no building there either due to demolishing or destruction.
· Housing unit not occupied: is marked when the worker finds no people at this address as when it is a school, a business place or factory and there is no household living there.
. Housing unit is seasonal: is marked when the worker finds nobody living at this address because the house is occupied during certain seasons, such as summer or winter, and is not a permanent residence.