Literal question
What language can you deal with, and what is your level of proficiency in that language? (Mother Tongue, Level of reading)
Interviewer instructions
This question applies to household members aged 6 years and more. Write down in the first column the code of the language he can manage and in the opposite columns the code of knowledge of this language as mentioned in the question; read, write, speak. Indicate the level of performance in each language - is it well, medium, fair or bad. In case a person masters other languages than his mother tongue, state the main two, as column 8 has been designated for the mother tongue and contains A1 language code, A2 reading level, A3 writing level and A4 speaking level). The columns B and C are designated for the main two additional languages he can manage.
Note: If a household member is dumb but can write only, mark the mother tongue for the household in the language column, and write down 4 - cannot in the column for the reading level and speaking level and write down only the writing code 1, 2 or 3.