Wages and salaries: denote a fixed wage or salary received by an individual in return for work he does in the public, government private, mixed or any other sectors. They are of two types:
A. Cash wage: is what an individual earns in the form of a monthly or weekly wage in return for doing a job, whether principal or secondary, provided that pension deductions, income tax and the like are discounted but not loan installments, debts, housing project installments, insurance and the like.
B. In-kind wage: is the value of total in-kind wages that the individual earns during a month or a week in return for work he does, whether principal or secondary, e.g., a quantity of crops received by some workers in agriculture in return for jobs they do like reaping, crop-gathering, etc.
C. Rewards and benefits: The total job-related rewards and allowances an individual receives in addition to other benefits, e.g., clothes, transport, meals, medical services, medicines and all commodities and services offered free of charge for work. In such cases, the value of these commodities and services count within the individual's consumer expenditure after determining their imputed value at market prices. In-kind benefits in Section thirteen (column 1321) include imputed rentals of housing units in return for work. Also, the differential between the nominal rent paid and the imputed rent of housing units rented from the government or the public sector are counted as in-kind benefits and enter the in-kind column 1321 in Section thirteen.