Interviewer instructions
Main activity last week: Ask the respondent what was his/her main activity last week and follow appropriate route.
Please note: If the respondent said he/she was not working because of certain reeasons such as being ill or on leace with or without pay but used to work, ask what was his/her main activity.
1. Working full time for wage or salary
Persons who worked most of last week in a wage job, which should be considered as working full time.
Note that those who were sick, on materninty leave or on holiday last week but are normally working for a financial reward should be included in this group.
2. Working part time(including casual)
Person who worked for less than 25 hours last week or working temporarily should be considered as working in casual basis.
Note that those who were sick, on materninty leave or on holiday last week but are normally working for a financial reward should be included in this group.
3. Working in Agriculture, Fishing, Handicraft making mainly sale
Person who worked most of last week at the plantation or fishing or doing such activities as "tuki ugako" for sale.
4. Working mainly to produce for own use/household consumption
A person who spent most of last week at; the plantation, the sea or doing activities related to growing, gathering and catching own food for households consumption should be included in this group.
5. Domestic duties not working for wages
These are housewives or husbands, who look after children, clean the house, go out shopping, and prepare meals for their families. Their activities are not considered as economic work. Many people do work in addition to home duties. They may have spent some time at the plantation , a little job for the government but as long as their main activity last week was domestic duties.
Note that those working and getting paid for doing housework(e.g. a house girl) should be full time workers.
6. Unemployed not working at all.
Person who did not work last week but is available to work, whether looking or not looking for is categorised here.
Question post text
7, 8, 9 >> Go to P39
10 >> Go to P33