Interviewer instructions
Depend on answers; one of four codes will be circled. If the respondent has always lived in his/her current place of residence since he/she was born except some periods, that he/she has been away from his/her home within a month only on visit, the code "199" will be circled. If the respondent has lived here for 5 year or over, the code "229" will be circled. If the respondent has lived in current place from 1 year to less than 5 years, the code "4" will be circled and record the number of year in the provided box. If the length of living continuously in the current place of residence is less than 1 year, the code "3" will be circled and record the numbers of months in the provided boxes. If the length of living continuously in the current place of residence is less than 1 month, record "00" in the provided boxes. A completed year must enough 12 months, a completed month must enough 30 days.