Interviewer instructions
Enter the respondent's current occupation defined in Question 401 or Question 402 in the first box of Column 5 (2004) of the calendar. Begin at the year 2004 back to the year that the respondent was 15; you ask about the respondent's occupation changes. An "X" is place in the year of changing for occupation. In the year after the "X", place the code of the new occupation and in the year before the "X" place the code of the old occupation Between the first and last years of occupation, drawn a squiggly line to connect the occupation codes. Occupation changes here include changing of work place, changing of work status or changing of occupation.
If, there is more than one event happened in a same year, the last event recorded.
If an occupation lasts for an extensive period, enter the occupation code in the first and the last year of an occupation and connect them with a squiggly line.