This file contains data related to Part 3 of the questionnaire
Identification variables: Administrative code of province/city, commune/ward/district town, and district/quarter, serial number of currently married women aged 15-49 as shown in part 1: Population information;
Some specific variables related to the reproductive history of the respondent (for women aged 15-49)such as: whether the respondent has ever given birth or not, if yes, how many chidlren ever born, how many children living with or living elsewhere etc.
Some specific variables related to the family planning (only for currently married women aged 15-49) such as whether the respondent/her husband is currently using any contraceptive method or not; If yes, what contraceptive method is being used; and what source provides this method; If no, the main reason of non use of contraceptive method; Whether the repsondent had menstrual regulartion or abortion or not in the last 12 months, if yes, whether she had any complication after abortion/menstrual regulation; If yes, it is required to answer about the kind of complication etc...
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