Interviewer instructions
5.5.2 For each person listed in column 1, the different activities pursued by them during all the seven days of the reference week will be serially number of activity will be recorded in this column. Presuming that the likelihood of one person pursuing more than four different activities in a week is rather remote, only four lines are provided for each person. It is mentioned earlier that the current activity of a person in the rural areas is denoted by his status-cum-industry-cum-operation. Thus, for a person with the same status, if the industry (at the division level) or operation are different on the same or different days, he will be considered to have pursued different activities and these activities will be entered in different lines. Similarly, for the urban areas the current activity of a person is denoted by his status-cum-industry. Thus, if a person ploughs his own field in the first half of the day and sow in the second half of the day, for urban areas, he will be considered to have only one activity, during the day. But for rural areas he will be considered to have pursued two activities