Interviewer instructions
This particular question will be put to all the person with usual activity status code 11-94. It may be noted that the persons for whom this set of follow-up questions are meant can broadly be divided into two groups - (i ) those who had some work during the reference year (i.e., persons with usual status codes 11-51 and 81-94 with some usual subsidiary gainful activity) and (ii) those who had no wok during the reference year (i.e., persons with usual activity status codes 81-94 with no usual subsidiary gainful activity). It is expected that the first group, if at all willing, will normally opt for 'additional work or 'alternative work' to this group, therefore, the question should be put in such a way as to reflect both the possibilities. To the second group, naturally, the question 'whether they were seeking or available for work' will be asked. Depending on the answer obtained, the entry will be made against this item interims of the code numbers 1, 2, 3, or 4. The codes are :