Literal question
AlongWitb your domestic duties did you more or less reguilarly carry out during the last 365 days :- maIntenance of kItchen gardens, orchards etc. ? (yes-1, no-2)
Interviewer instructions
Questions 7 to 20 relate to relevant member's participation in specified activities which are self explanatory, it will be ascertained whether the member along with/his/her normal domestic duties also participated during the 365 days preceding the date of survey more or less regularly in the specified activities listed.
For the question 7 - 10 and 16 - 20, if the answer in 'yes', code '1' and if the answer is 'no' code (2)' will be recorded against the relevant items for the particular person. Also,It may be noted that item 20will be filled in for rural areas only.
On the other hand, for the questions 11 - 15, if the answer is in the affirmative, it will be further ascertained whether the person participated in the processing of mainly, home produced/free collection commodities or processing of commodities otherwise procured and the code relevant to the situation will be recorded.