Interviewer instructions
Item 2: (If no in item 1) most important reason for not using AYUSH (code): The question will be put to households where no member of the household used any AYUSH system of medicine during the last 30 days (that is, households which answered "no" to item 1). For such households, the most important reason for not using AYUSH will be ascertained and entered against item 2. For households answering "yes" (code 1) to item 1, a "-" may be put against item 2.
(i) Code 1 is to be entered if it is reported that the state of health of the household members was such that medicines or treatments of any kind were not considered necessary.
(ii) Code 2 will be entered against item 2 if the household is unaware of AYUSH medicines and treatments. Note that many households may be unaware of the term "AYUSH", but that is a different matter. Code 2 will be entered only if the household reports that it is unable to use AYUSH because it does not know of the existence of any of the systems coming under AYUSH.
(iii) Code 3 will be entered against item 2 if the most important reason for not adopting AYUSH is that AYUSH medicines/treatments are not considered effective by the household. Here 'effectiveness' of a medicine/treatment means the degree to which the medicine/treatment helps a patient in relieving the most troubling symptom for which the medicine/treatment is taken. Note that many households may say that they have not used AYUSH medicines/treatments as they do not believe in AYUSH. In such cases, it may be concluded that the household does not think that AYUSH medicines or treatments are effective, and code 3 is to be given.
(iv) Code 4 will be entered against item 2 if the most important reason for not adopting AYUSH is that hospitals/dispensaries/PHCs/CHCs providing the system of AYUSH treatment sought by the household are not available.
(v) Code 5 will be entered against item 2 if the reason is that doctors/vaidyas/ hakims/homoeopaths providing the system of AYUSH treatment sought by the household (see paragraph are not available.
(vi) Code 6 will be entered against item 2 if the reason is that AYUSH medicines/treatments sought by the household (see paragraphs 1.8.43 to are not available.
(vii) Availability of hospitals, dispensaries, PHCs and CHCs are defined in paragraph of Chapter One. For the purposes of item 2, Block 13, availability of hospital will mean availability of any hospital having treatment facility in that discipline (Ayurveda/ Unani/Siddha/Homoeopathy/Yoga/Naturopathy) under AYUSH that is sought by the household. Similarly availability of dispensary/PHC/CHC will mean availability of a dispensary/PHC/CHC having treatment facility in that discipline under AYUSH that is sought by the household. However, an allopathic centre (hospital/dispensary/PHC/CHC) visited by an AYUSH doctor once or twice in a week will not be considered as a facility under AYUSH.
(viii) If the household reports that it did not use any of the AYUSH systems during the last 30 days because of the poor quality of doctors or hospitals or medicines available, code 9 (any other reason) may be recorded in item 2.