Interviewer instructions
Item 8: If response in item 7 is '1', '2' or '3', then: how often during your visits did you find Doctors/ Vaidya/ Hakim/ Siddh Vaidya/ Homoeopaths/ Yoga Trainers available in the AYUSH Hospital/ Dispensary/ AYUSH health centre/ Primary Health Centre (PHC)/ Community Health Centre (CHC)? (code): The question should be asked only to households for which the entry in item 1 is 1, and the entry in item 7 is 1, 2 or 3.
Majority here means "at least 50%". For this question, out of the visits made (counted in item 7), the number of occasions (visits) when the AYUSH medical practitioner needed by the patient was available have to be ascertained.
Example: Thus, if the household reports that out of the 3 times when the AYUSH Hospital/ Dispensary/ AYUSH health centre/ Primary Health Centre (PHC)/ Community Health Centre (CHC) was visited for medical consultation, the practitioner was available 2 times, then the code to be entered is 2, since 2 is more than 50% of 3. But if the answer had been: only one of the 3 times, then code 3 (a few occasions (not the majority)) would be applicable.
For households answering "no" to item 1, or "nil" to item 7, a "-" may be entered against item 8.