Interviewer instructions
Item 9: What is your assessment about the AYUSH medicines from the Hospital/Dispensary/PHC/CHC? (9.1) on availability (code) (9.2) on effectiveness (code)? The question should be asked only to households for which the entry in item 1 is 1 and for which entry in item 7 is 1, 2 or 3. This question, too, should be answered with a reference period of "last 30 days". The codes are the same as for item 8 that is, the choices are: on every occasion, on the majority of occasions, on a few occasions (not the majority), and never. Here, as before, "effectiveness" of a medicine means the degree to which the medicine has helped the patient in relieving the most troubling symptom for which the medicine was taken.
Example: If household members visited the AYUSH Hospital/ Dispensary/ AYUSH health centre/ Primary Health Centre (PHC)/ Community Health Centre (CHC) on 5 occasions during the last 30 days, out of which they could obtain the required medicine on only 1 occasion, and the symptoms were successfully relieved, then the entry against item 9.1 will be 3 (a few occasions (not the majority)) and the entry against item 9.2 will be 1 (on every occasion).
For households answering "no" to item 1, or if the household members never attempted to obtain AYUSH medicines from the AYUSH Hospital/ Dispensary/ AYUSH health centre/ Primary Health Centre (PHC)/ Community Health Centre (CHC) during the last 30 days (therefore, getting code 4 in item 7), a "-" will be entered against items 9.1 and 9.2.