Interviewer instructions
Item 10: If yes in item 1, who advised you to take AYUSH medicines (code)? There are three separate questions under item 10. Entry will be made against item 10.1 if the entry in item 4.1 is 1, otherwise a "-" will be put. Similarly entry will be made against item 10.2/10.3 if the entry in item 4.2/4.3 is 1. The question should be asked only to households for which the entry in item 1 is 1, otherwise a "-" will be put against all three items 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3.
In case of any of these three questions (say, item 10.1), there is a possibility that different members will have different responses. One household member, who takes medicines of the Indian system, may advise the other household members to do so, too. But this member himself or herself may have been advised by someone outside the household (or may start on his/her own). So, in case of multiple response, the question should be asked to the oldest among those members who used the Indian system of medicines during the last 30 days. The same procedure will be adopted for items 10.2 and 10.3.