Interviewer instructions
Item 7: whether owns any land (yes -1, no-2): It is to be ascertained whether the household owns any land or not as on the date of survey. The instructions in paragraphs 1.8.7 and 1.8.8 in Chapter One of "Instructions to Field Staff" (provided as related documents) are to be read in full before making any entries against items 7-12.
There will be many situations when the land possessed by the household is owned by the head of the family, who stays in a different town or village and therefore is not a member of the household. In such cases the land should be regarded as not owned but leased in by the household. But it is very likely that the household in such cases will tend to report the land as 'owned'. Before any entry is made in item 7 (whether owns any land) as well as items 8-12, therefore, proper probing is necessary to ascertain whether all the land reported as owned by the household is actually owned by the household members.