Interviewer instructions
Columns (8) to (15): Particulars of enterprise and conditions of employment: Certain probing questions will be asked to determine the particulars of enterprises and conditions of employment to those engaged in the non-agricultural sector as well as in the agricultural sector excluding growing of non-perennial crops (NIC-2008 group 011), growing of perennial crops (NIC-2008 group 012), plant propagation (NIC-2008 group 013) and mixed farming (NIC-2008 group 015). Thus, for persons with industry groups 014, 016, 017 and divisions 02 to 99 of NIC 2008 in col. (5), particulars of the enterprises where the household members are usually engaged will be recorded in columns (8) to (11) for all the workers (i.e., for those with activity status codes 11, 12, 21, 31, 41 or 51 in column 3), and conditions of employment will be recorded in columns (12) to (15) for those with status codes 31, 41 or 51 in column (3). Note that in this block the particulars to be collected in columns (8) to (15) will pertain to the principal status (col. 3) and industry (col. 5) obtained for the person.
Column (10): Whether uses electricity for its production of goods and services (yes -1, no -2, not known -9): The information as to whether the enterprise in which the person works, uses electricity for its production of goods and services is to be recorded here. It may be mentioned that use of electricity exclusively for purposes other than production like, for comfort, security, illumination, etc., will not be considered as the use of electricity by the enterprise for its production. Code 1 will be assigned if the enterprise uses electricity for its production. If the enterprise does not use electricity for its production, code will be 2. If the informant does not know whether the enterprise uses electricity for its production, code 9 will be recorded.