Literal question
3. Predominant materials in the dwelling
[Question 3 was asked of persons in private dwellings, per Question 1.]
3.1 Roof
[] 1 Corrugated iron (Calamina)
[] 2 Tiles (cement, clay, fibro-cement, etc.)
[] 3 Reinforced concrete slab
[] 4 Straw, cane, palm
[] 5 Others (specify) ____
Interviewer instructions
Question 3. Predominant materials in the dwelling
Write down with what materials are built:
The roof of the building (where the dwelling is found),
The exterior walls, and
The floor of the dwelling.
The following information is given in the rural manual:
3.1 Roof
1. Corrugated iron
2. Tiles
3. Concrete slabs
4. Straw, cane, palm
5. Others. Mark this box if the roof of a dwelling is built with planks of wood, or waste materials