Census of Industry, Trade and Services 2006
Name | Country code |
Sri Lanka | LKA |
Enterprise Census [en/census]
The Census of Trade & Services in Sri Lanka which successfully covered the entire island for the first time is based on field enumeration carried out in two phases from October through November 2003 and from June through December 2006 respectively.
The operation of this Census began along with the listing operation of the Census of Industries which took place in 2003. The Trade & Service establishments of both rural and urban sectors were covered in Northern and Eastern Provinces. However, for the rest of the seven provinces, the DCS was able to list the Trade and Service establishments only in rural areas during the listing operation of the Census of Industries 2003.
The Census of Trade and Services of urban sector was resumed in mid 2006 with a view to collect information which had not been collected during the operation of Census of Industries 2003. Polonnaruwa and Moneragala districts were not included in this urban census as those districts do not possess urban areas. With the urban sector Census, all urban areas of15 Districts were enumerated for Trade & Service activities.
This data set belongs to the first Census of Trade & Services in Sri Lanka that successfully covered the entire island based on field enumeration carried out in two phases from October through November 2003 and from June through December 2006 respectively.
Over the past several decades, initiatives taken by the DCS to launch a Census of Trade & Services covering entire island have been unsuccessful due to unforeseen circumstances beyond its control. However, the DCS has successfully completed the "Census of Trade & Services 2003/2006" in December 2006 covering entire island for the first time in the history of the Census of Trade & Services.
Prior to this census, the DCS had done a Census of Trade & Services and published a report titling " Census of Trade & Services 1996/1999 " in 2003. However, there are differences in coverage and compilation methodology between these two Censuses.
The "Distribution Census" in 1968 was the first ever recorded attempt made to collect information on Trade & Services sector by the DCS. After this, a survey on "Distribution Trade Activities" was undertaken in 1987 in order to collect information on Trade & Services sector. The DCS was not able to cover the entire country of this exercise as expected. Except some information of these efforts of collecting services sector data, no records are available until mid 90s to write a much more complete account of the history of the Census of Trade & Services conducted by the DCS.
The Census of Trade & Service (2003 - 2006) was designed to collect information across the country and to Initiate as much uncovered areas and establishments as possible.
The operation of this Census began along with the listing operation of the Census of Industries which took place in 2003. The Trade & Service establishments of both rural and urban sectors were covered in Northern and Eastern Provinces. However, for the rest of the seven provinces, the DCS was able to list the Trade and Service establishments only in rural areas during the listing operation of the Census of Industries 2003. The Census of Trade and Services of urban sector was resumed in mid 2006 with a view to collect information which had not been collected during the operation of Census of Industries 2003. Polonnaruwa and Moneragala districts were not included in this urban census as those districts do not possess urban areas. These two districts were completely subject to listing under rural sector in the Census of Industries 2003. With the urban sector Census, all urban areas of15 Districts were enumerated for Trade & Service activities.
Census/enumeration data [cen]
Establishment (Owner/Person) in charge of the Industrial unit.
(The recommended ststistical unit used in Census of Industries 2003 was the establishment. Hence the same concept was used for the Census of Trade and Services)
v1.0: Full edited dataset, for internal DPD use.
The Census of Trade and Services covers information with regard to Trade and Service establishments, as defined by the ISIC Revision 3 of the UN.
Objectives :
To develop a comprehensive register of Trade and Service establishnlents to be used as a sample frame for the Annual Survey of services (the survey was designed for the first time in 2007) and other service sector related surveys and studies that may require in the future.
To provide measures of key statistics on Trade and Service establishments and structure of the Trade and Services sector.
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
National Coverage
The Census covered the establishments engaged primarily in the following activities in accordance with SLSIC.
Wholesale and retail trade, hotels and restaurants
Transport, storage and communications
Financial, intermediation, real estate, renting and business activities
Pubic administration & defense, compulsory social security, education, health
& social work, other community social & personal service activities, repair of
motor vehicles, motor cycles and personal and household goods
Establishment :
This census needs following characteristics in order to be qualified as an establishment.
Availability of its own trade or service facilities
Maintaining ofaccounts pertaining to the establishment
Availability of distinct management and suitable location
Statistical Unit :
The statistical unit is the entity for which the required items of data are gathered and compiled. The recommended statistical unit used in Census of Industries 2003 was the establishment. Hence, the same concept was used for the Census of Trade & Services.
No. of Persons Engaged :
This is defined as the total number of persons who work in or for the establishment including working proprietors, active partners and unpaid family workers.
ISlC Revision 3 :
This is a manual called International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (Revision 3) which has been prepared by the UN in order to be used for coding and classifying all sectors of the economy. In order to match the Sri Lankan context a national code list titling "SRI LANKAN STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION" (SLSIC) was prepared by the DCS, based on the UN manual (series M No.4, Rev. 3) of ISIC.
Name | Affiliation |
Department of Census and Statistics | Ministry of Finance and Planning |
Name | Role |
Department of Census and Statistics | Source of funds |
The Items Covered in the Questionnaire were:
Name of the establishnlent
Location of the establishment
Contact person's telephone number
Commencement of the commercial operation
Description of activity/ activities
No of persons engaged
Start | End |
2006-06 | 2006-12 |
Second phase of the Census Enumeration: (June 2006 - December 2006) :
TS/U Forms prepared by the DCS were used to collect urban sector information. Listing process was done by the staff of the DCS. The second phase of the Census of Trade & Services which aimed to cover urban areas was carried out in all other provinces except Northern and Eastern provinces (All urban areas of those two provinces were covered when the Census of Industry, Trade & Services was taken in 2003).
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Director General | Department of Census and Statistics | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | Under the Statistical ordinance, microdata cannot be released with identifications for public use. Procedures are in place to ensure that information relating to any particular individual person, household or undertaking will be kept strictly confidential and will not be divulged to external parties. Information on individual or individual Household/establishment will not be divulged or published in such a form that will facilitate the identification of any particular person or establishment as the data have been collected under the Census/Statistical ordinance, according to which the information at individual level cannot be divulged and such information is strictly confidential. |
The dataset has been anonymized and is available as a Public Use Dataset. It is accessible to all for statistical and research purposes only, under the following terms and conditions:
The data and other materials will not be redistributed or sold to other individuals, institutions, or organizations without the written agreement.
The data will be used for statistical and scientific research purposes only. They will be used solely for reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations.
No attempt will be made to re-identify respondents, and no use will be made of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently.
No attempt will be made to produce links among datasets provided by the Department or among data from the Department and other datasets that could identify individuals or organizations.
Any books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, reports, or other publications that Prices data obtained from the Department will cite the source of data in accordance with the Citation Requirement provided with each dataset.
An electronic copy of all reports and publications based on the requested data will be sent to the Department.
The following rules apply to micro data released by the Department of Census and Statistics.
• Only the requests of Government Institutions, Recognized Universities, Students, and selected international agencies are entertained. However, the Data users are required to strictly adhere to
the terms stipulated in the agreement form.
• All the data requests should be made to Director General (DG) of the DCS as the sole authority of releasing data is vested with the DG of the DCS. The DCS of Sri Lanka reserves sole right to approve or reject any data request made depending on the confidential nature of the data set and intended purpose of the study or analysis.
• Requests for micro data should be made through the agreement form designed by DCS for this purpose (Form D.R.1). The agreement form should be filled in triplicate and the Study/project proposal should accompany the filled agreement form. If requests are made for the micro data of more than one survey, a separate agreement should be signed.
• If the data request is from a student a letter from the respective Dept. Head/Dean/Supervisor, recommending the issue of data, should also be accompanied.
• If the request is approved only 25% of the data file is released at the first stage. The release of the total data file is considered only after reviewing the draft report prepared on the basis of the 25% sample data file.
• The released Data file should be used only for the specific study/Analysis mentioned in the agreement form and shall not be used for any other purpose without the prior approval of the Director General of the DCS. Moreover, Copies of the micro-data file, obtained from the DCS, shall not be given to anyone else without the prior written approval of the Director General of the DCS.
• The draft report of the Study/Analysis should be submitted to the DCS and the concurrence of the DG of the DCS, should be obtained before publishing it. Once published, a copy of the final report should be submitted to the DCS.
Note - [Department = The Department of Census and Statistics (DCS)]
Source :
Department of Census and Statistics, Census of Industry, Trade and Services - 2006 (Urban) [CITS(U)06], Version 1.0 of the public use dataset April, 2009, provided by the National Data Archive, Data Processing Division,"
The Department of Census and Statistics bears no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the secondary use of the data.
(C) 2009, Department of Census and Statistics
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Information Unit | Department of Census and Statistics | | |
Microdata Library | World Bank | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Department of Census & Statistics | Ministry of Finance and Planning | Documentation and Archival of Frame Data |
Version v1.0 (April 2009)
Version 2.0 (August, 2013).DDI and ID numbers edited by World Bank for World Bank Microdata Library.