Census of Microfinance Institutions 2005
Name | Country code |
Sri Lanka | LKA |
Enterprise Census [en/census]
This census covers all Micro Finance Institutions and Non Governmental Organisations Engaged in Micro Finance activities.
These institutions have been identified as the organizations that involve directly or indirectly with the development of the country. Similarly they are supposed to be the registered institutions giving financial aid to uplift, the lower income group households and small and medium scale business enterprises.
Although it was not an objective of the census to prepare a new list of unregistered financial institutions, collecting information from those institutions were not excluded.
A non-governmental organization is an organization that carries out social services and financial activities to raise the living standards and the quality of life of the people. Accordingly it is an institute that involves directly and indirectly with the development efforts of the country. These institutions are registered with a separate unit of the Ministry of Social Services, not to mention that some of them also have also registered with other Organizations.
According to a request made by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, the Department of Census and Statistics has undertaken to carry out a Census of Micro-Finance Institutions (MFIS) engaged in micro finance activities. This includes MFIs' registered for micro finance activities as the main function, Government and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) who engage in micro finance activities as the main or secondary activity. This was a full enumeration.
As a list of micro finance institutions was not available, it was necessary to carry out a listing operation separately. To make a full list of MFIS, various available sources were made use of. The list thus constructed was streamlined and used as a source to prepare the final list for the census.
Census/enumeration data [cen]
Micro Finance Institutions and Non Governmental Organisations Engaged in Micro Finance activities
There are three types of financial institution.
Formal - This includes commercial banks and financial institutions which comes under the supervision of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. But these are excluded from the Census of Micro Finance Institutions.
Semi-Formal - This includes Non-governmental organizations and co-operative unions, that do not come under the supervision of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. These were included in the Census.
Informal - Includes pawning centers. Places for lending money, and small scale financial institutions with advisory services etc. These institutions were also included in the census.
v1.0 Full Edited dataset, for internal DPD use
The Objectives of the Census of Micro Finance institutions were:
To prepare a Directory of Micro Finance Institutions and institutions which engage in Micro Finance activities within the country. They can be Government/Semi government or Non-governmental organization.
To identify the geographical distribution and the type of financial activities of these institutions.
To gather information of Assets and liabilities of the institutions.
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
economic systems and development [1.4] | CESSDA | |
income, property and investment/saving [1.5] | CESSDA | |
rural economics [1.6] | CESSDA | |
National Coverage ( except Northern province and Eastern province)
The Servay coverd all Micro finance Institutioins and Non Governmental organisations engaged in Micro Finance activities not registerd in Central Bank of Sri Lanka. Banks and Financial Institutions registered with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka are excluded from the census.
Name |
Department of Census and Statistics |
Name | Role |
Department of Census and Statistics | Source of funds |
Following topics were included in the questionnaire for Census of MFI 2005 which was prepaired under the directions of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka :
Geographical Information
General Information about the institution
Type of ownership such as local, foreign or both
Information about the branches
Type of activities
Assets and liabilities of the institution
Auditor details
Employment position as at March 2005
A pilot test was conducted in Colombo, Gampaha and few other Districts.
Start | End |
2006-01 | 2006-06 |
Name | Affiliation |
Department of census and Statistics | Ministry of Finance and Planning |
Field staff at District/DSD level would carry out the census operation and the Heads of the District Statistical branches coordinated and supervised the work. Additional coordinators were assigned from the head office where necessary. Arrangements were made to provide vehicles to facilitate the fieldwork for the purpose of transporting officers, distribution and collection of questionnaires etc.
A complete census frame of Micro Finance Institutions covering the whole country was not available at the time of the Census planning. Therefore a census frame was prepared by collecting information from the available sources and updating it eliminating duplicates.
This list consists of three main sources as given below.
List of institutions which carry out direct financial activities.
a. National Development Trust Fund (NDTF)
b. German Technology Co-operation (GTZ)
c. Institutions like Sanasa, Samurdhi and Sarvodaya Societies.
List of Non-governmental organizations
a. Selected non governmental organizations which carry out financial activities.
b. Non governmental organizations registered under the secretariat office at Batataramulla.
c. Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies (CHA)
Census of Trade and Industry 2003.
A list of Micro Finance Institutions were extracted from the Census. All these lists were consolidated to prepare the final census frame for MFI's. As these lists were outdated, they had to be updated to reflect the 2005 position.
A one-day central training was carried out before the actual commencement of data collection. Topics discussed were:
• Conducting the Training Classes for the District field officers who are data collectors.
• Introducing the questionnaire
• Data collection method and filling of the questionnaire
• The logistics and supervision
• Lessions learnt from the previous censuses
Field enumeration of this census was started in 2006 February. The Census of MFI was conducted in 17 Districts except in the Northern and Eastern provinces. A drawback of this census was that some NGO's and societies engaged in micro finance activities have not been registered with any organization and some NGO's which were active just after the Tsunami have closed their operations by the time of the data collection period.
Such micro finance institution was excluded from enumeration together with small timers held in private houses.
Data Editing took place at a number of stages throughout the processing including
a) Official Editing and coding
b) Structural checking and consistancy check
c) Verification Entry
d) Secondry Editing
CsPro version 3.3 Used as software
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Director General (Department of Cences and Statistics) | DCS | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | Under the Census ordinance, micro data cannot be released with identifications for public use. Procedures are in place to ensure that information relating to any particular individual person, household or undertaking will be kept strictly confidential and will not be divulged to external parties. Information on individual or individual Household/establishment will not be divulged or published in such a form that will facilitate the identification of any particular person or establishment as the data have been collected under the Census Ordinance, according to which the information at individual level cannot be divulged and such information is strictly confidential. |
The dataset has been anonymized and is available as a Public Use Dataset. It is accessible to all for statistical and research purposes only, under the following terms and conditions:
The following rules apply to micro data released by the Department of Census and Statistics.
• Only the requests of Government Institutions, Recognized Universities, Students, and selected international agencies are entertained. However, the Data users are required to strictly adhere to
the terms stipulated in the agreement form.
• All the data requests should be made to Director General (DG) of the DCS as the sole authority of releasing data is vested with the DG, DCS. DCS of Sri Lanka reserves sole right to approve or reject any data request made depending on the confidential nature of the data set and intended purpose of the study or analysis.
• Requests for micro data should be made through the agreement form designed by DCS for this purpose (Form D.R.1). The agreement form should be filled in triplicate and the Study/project proposal should accompany the filled agreement form. If requests are made for the micro data of more than one survey, a separate agreement should be signed.
• If the data request is from a student a letter from the respective Dept. Head/Dean/Supervisor, recommending the issue of data, should also be accompanied.
• If the request is approved only 25% of the data file is released at the first stage. The release of the total data file is considered only after reviewing the draft report prepared on the basis of the 25% sample data file.
• The released Data file should be used only for the specific study/Analysis mentioned in the agreement form and shall not be used for any other purpose without the prior approval of the Director General of the DCS. Moreover, Copies of the micro-data file, obtained from the DCS, shall not be given to anyone else without the prior written approval of the Director General of the DCS.
• The draft report of the Study/Analysis should be submitted to the DCS and the concurrence of the DG, DCS, should be obtained before publishing it. Once published, a copy of the final report should be submitted to the DCS.
Note:-[Department = The Department of Census and Statistics(DCS)]
Source :
"Department of Census and Statistics , Census of Micro Finance Institutions 2005 [MFI 2005], Version 1.0 of the public use dataset (March, 2008), provided by the National Data Archive,Data Processing Division,"
The Department of Census and statistics beare no responsibility for any results or interpretations arising from the secondary use of the data.
(c) 2008, Department of Census and Statistics
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
The Director General,Information Unit | Department of Census and Statistics | | |
Microdata Library | World Bank | |
Name |
Department of Census and Statistics,Ministry of Finance and Planning |
Version 1.0
Version 2.0 (August, 2013).DDI and ID numbers edited by World Bank for World Bank Microdata Library.