Literal question
For all persons
[Questions 1-18 were asked of all persons.]
17. To which indigenous nationality or group/tribe does [the respondent] belong?
[Question 17 was asked of persons who reported identifying as indigenous according to their culture and customs, per question 16.]
Nationalities: Achuar, Awa, Cofan, Chachi, Epera, Waorani, Kichwa, Secoya, Shuar, Siona, Tsáchila, Shiwiar, Zápara, Andoa.
Groups/tribes: Pastos, Natabuela, Otavalo, Karanki, Kayambi, Kitukara, Panzaleo, Chibuleo, Salasaka, Kisapincha, Tomabela, Waranka, Puruhá, Kañari, Saraguro, Paltas, Manta, Huancavilca
[Nationality/group/tribe] ____
For use of INEC _ _
Persons five years old and older, continue to question 19.
Interviewer instructions
[Section 4]
Step 12: Continue with the third part (questions 14 to 18) of section 4, information about the population / B: General characteristics
[A copy of part of section 4B of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]
Follow the sequential order of the questions.
Questions 14, 15 and 18 can have multiple answers.
If the informant indicates he/she speaks an indigenous language, immediately ask: what indigenous language or dialect do you speak? (question 15.1)
If the informant does not know the name of the language that he/she speaks, register that he/she does not know. You should not read the names.
Take into account the leaps with questions 16 and 17.
You should not register anything in the fields for the use INEC.
If in question 16 the informant responds "no", insist that you need an answer and reread the question with its alternatives.
If the informant does not know the name of the nationality or indigenous group to which he/she belongs, register does not know. You should not read the names.
Question 18 is multiple answer and will be asked regarding children under five years of age.