Literal question
For persons five years old and older
[Questions 27 to 33 were asked of all people five years and older.]
28. If [the respondent] has not worked:
[Question 27 was asked of people 5 years and older who did not work in the last week.]
[] 1 Looked for work for the first time and is available to work?
[] 2 He/she collects rents?
[] 3 He/she is retired or a pensioner?
[] 4 He/she is a student?
[] 5 Does household chores?
[] 6 Prevented from working by a disability?
[] 7 Other?
Skip to question 34.
Interviewer instructions
[Section 4]
Step 14: Continue with section 4, information about the population / D: Economic characteristics (annex, pages 41-45)
[A copy of section 4D of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]
Follow the sequential order of the questions.
Remember that the questions are for people 5 years old and older.
(A)The week of reference will be Sunday the 21st to Saturday the 27th of November.
Question 27 serves to identify people who did some activity for an income or not.
(B)Take into account the leaps of questions 27 and 28.
Question 29 is written literally, the activity of the business or company in which the interviewed person works or worked.
If the informant mentions having more than one job, you should register the one that he/she considers the principal one.
Question 30 is written very literally, what does the interviewed person do or what he/she did where he/she works/worked
Question 31 indicates the dependency relation that the person has in the place where he/she works.
Question 32 registers the total number of worked hours, at his/her principal work, in the past week or the last week that he/she worked.
In question 33, register if the activity that the person does is inside or outside the household.
If the person does more than one activity, as for example weave wool clothing in the household and leave to sell in the streets; for the registry of question 33 priority will be given to the production, therefore you will mark x in code 1 (within the home).
8. Economic characteristics
[Question 28 is asked of persons who did no work during the week before the census]
Looked for work for the first time and is available to work:
When the person has never worked and in week previous to the census (from the 21st to the 27th of November) is looking for work for the first time and that he/she is available to work.
He/she collects rents:
A person who does not work and receives income that come from the rents of a company or business and/ or rents of buildings, machinery, or dividends that are derived from his/her properties or capital.
He/she is retired or a pensioner:
When the person who does not do any economic activity and receives income originating of a pension or retirement whether by having retired from a company or institution by fulfilling age requirements, years of service, old age, or by permanent incapacity and the established period of service; as well as those who receive a pension for widowhood, or being an orphan.
He/she is a student:
A person who is dedicated exclusively to studying.
Does household chores:
When the person does exclusively domestic chores in his/her own household. For example: The housewives who receive no payment for workings in the home.
Prevented from working by a disability:
That person who by his/her physical, sensorial or mental deficiency is prevented from working.